
Asking a Guy Out in 8 Easy Peasy Steps

Ladiez. It's 2018. No more waiting around for boys to get off their keester. It's our turn to #WomanUp and go get our mans... That was possibly the worst intro I've ever written.

The last memory I have of asking a boy out was in high school. And due to PTSD from that experience I have not attempted again for literally a decade. I've done the subtle chasing and dropped not-so-hard-to-get vibes, but full on going up to a guy and asking them on a date is something that has only since happened in my nightmares.

Until a week ago.

I don't know what came over me. Demonic possession? A heat stroke? Not sure. TBD. All I know is there was no way I was not going to have a date with this guy by the end of the day. No whey.

We'll call this boy... Peter. Like Peter Priesthood. Lol.

I had a faraway crush that rapidly spiraled when I found out Peter was moving out of our ward boundaries in a few weeks and that gave me little to no time to formulate an actual game plan to get him to ask me out... so I kicked myself into gear.

Even though I am not an expert in this field, I feel like I totes nailed it on the first try so I am going to give ya'll a handy guide to asking your next man friend out instead of hoping that if you stare at him long enough he'll get the message.

Asking a Guy Out in 6 Easy Peasy Steps

1. Pick a guy too nice to say no.

This was simple. When you have your eyes on a genuinely kind person whose only reason to say no is if they are getting married on the day you are asking them out, then you can't go wrong. I'm not saying this makes it any easier, I'm just saying they'll make a real effort to pretend to be excited and it will make you feel a lot better and not like you just made a huge mistake.

2. Have zero witnesses.

As if you're not already going to have a heart attack just trying to get the words to come out of your mouth, having a ton of people around is going to make it worse. Just do what I did and wait until he is the last person to leave the church parking lot so that he has nowhere to run.

3. Plan something that doesn't suck.

Living in Utah Valley with plenty of date night activities is cheating a little bit. Especially with a born and raised Utah boy. You want to plan something you know they'll enjoy, but something that has room enough to freestyle. If he likes the outdoors, like Peter does, take a walk literally anywhere. If he is more indoorsy, like muah, still try to do something active so that you can be too preoccupied to overanalyze every elbow brush that happens.

4. Bring a support system like a friend/family member/emotional support animal.

If Lily was the kind of cat that enjoyed a leash, I would have brought her with us. That's how nervous I was to be completely alone with him. I last minute invited my brother to bring a date because I knew he would make me feel more comfortable and I decided if Peter hated my family, it wouldn't take five dates to figure that out. I highly recommend going on sibling dates because you can quickly gauge if your date jives with them or is secretly dialing 911 underneath the table.

5. Be yourself.

Even if you didn't dress correctly for the horrific kitchen oven that was the outside, it is important to act normal and cool because you are happy-go-lucky and not high-maintenance-go-grumpy. All that sweat now drenching your entire body is just a way to show him how carefree you actually are and a way to see if he is repulsed by your natural scent. Pro tip: Complaining loudly about said weather does not actually change the weather, apparently.

6. Graciously step back into the friend zone from whence you came.

When ending the date and dropping him off at the door like a freaking lady, it is now your job to see if they would be interested in going out again. A way to avoid complete humiliation is by not straight up asking them the question, but making a statement as follows: "So, like, I had fun and like, I would be down to see you again, um, but, that's like, up to you, so, if you just want to stay friends that's totally cool and stuff, um, yeah." If he basically says nothing, you have been gently escorted back into Friendzone-topia. If he does in fact want to see you again, this is where he is supposed to say that, I think. I'm not sure. I'm comfortable in the friend zone, I bought a nice timeshare here that came with free Netflix and ice cream. So ha. Joke is on you. This is what I wanted.

7. Lock your keys in your car just in case you wanted to look more stupid.

In my conscious mind, I was walking him to his door, leaving my keys in the car with the doors unlocked, and driving home safe and sound. Subconsciously, my brain was storing the information that my car will automatically lock itself but didn't feel like giving that information to my conscious brain. So now my conscious is suing and it's this huge lawsuit, blah blah blah. But neither my conscious nor my subconscious would be aware of my subtle rejection and that it would be insanely awkward to have to knock on his door and tell him the wonderful news. Pros: Longer date. Cons: Longer date.

I couldn't find this as a GIF but this truly captures that moment.

8. Call the cops to unlock your car, and move to Uzbekistan.


The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Season of the Bachelor: A Helpful Guide in GIFs

Before we start my GIF adventure, I wanted to share something I am not proud of. 6 years ago, I got in line to take a picture with Arie Luyendyk (the fact that I spelled that right on the first try is very scary and I think I need to go bleach my brain now.) The poor baby who got dumped on national television. If you were to tell me then what I know now, first of all how did you get a time machine because I want one. Second of all, no further explanation needed, tell me what I need to do. Punch him in the face? Fake a pregnancy and try and ruin his life? Find Lauren or Becca and make them join the Witness Protection Program? No one knows. Because it didn't happen. That's on ME, guys. THAT'S. ON. ME.

The picture that once brought me joy, now haunts me.

When Arie was first announced as the Bachelor.

Submitting my audition tape.

Realizing they chose a girl from Orem who was NOT ME.

Watching every cute girl get out of the limo in a jealous rage.

Realizing Arie's personality was falling flat on television.

Watching Arie eat girls faces on the reg.

Anytime Krystal started talking.

Slowly watching my favorites go home one by one.

Me attemping to watch every Arie / Lauren date ever.

Arie trying to pick between a blonde or a brunette wife.

Trying to enjoy the finale knowing something terrible was about to happen.

Me fast forwarding through most of it because ANXIETY.

Me watching Becca's proposal wondering how and when Arie is going to ruin her life.


Arie's reaction to Becca reminding him they are engaged and he shouldn't be thinking about other women.

Arie breaking up with Becca and returning back to Factory Mode Sociopath settings.

Arie waiting a respectful amount of time before running back to Laur-

When Lauren immediately takes Arie back

Watching the internet swiftly turn against Arie

The girls banding together and coming for Arie's life in every interview they ever do

Arie repeating "I made a mistake" 34098234 times

Watching Arie propose to his new fiancé in front of his ex-fiancé and and people who have publicly denounced their relationship

Me having to calm myself after watching whatever was just on my screen

Trying to focus at work the next day

The hashtag #TeamLarie existing

Arsey & Shnorin reacting to any criticism about their relationship.

Me sneaking into Mr. & Mrs. Lyin-dick's televised wedding

Learning that a bill was written to BAN ARIE FROM MINNESOTA AND ALL IS WELL

I love Bachelor Nation and America. Amen. 


My Bachelor Bio

No, I really do not have anything better to talk about.

After reading some hilarious articles about the upcoming season of the Bachelor, I've decided it's time for me to get back into the game. I would highly suggest reading Statistical Proof None of Arie's Contestants Are Here For the Right Reasons and A Breakdown of the Army of Skanks Competing For Arie Luyendyk Jr.'s Heart On 'The Bachelor'. Two extremely real article titles from the only legitimate news source I ever read from called Betches.

In short, the breakdown of Arie's cast is as follows: mainly white, blonde, 20-something women named Lauren who love Taylor Swift and are scared of dying alone. And ZERO redheads. Although I may not be Arie's physical type, I am sure as heck that with one box of hair dye and maybe 30 less IQ points I would blend into this group no problem. I felt personally attacked reading some of their bios, as they are very basic and very hashtag relatable. It made me feel good knowing that Arie was probably already in love with me, until I read some dumb as fuh answers and realized I would murder everyone in the house before the first rose ceremony.

But I thought it would be super fun and NOT weird at all if I let you all know what my contestant bio would have looked like had I appeared on this season of the bach. On the ABC web site, they give each contestant different questions and some they give more than others for no rhyme or reason. So I am just going to answer 10 of my favorite ones (these are all legit questions from the web site) and you will all see why they made the biggest mistake of their lives in not casting me.


Makenzie V.

contestant biography

Age: 26
Occupation: Boss A$$ Bish
Hometown: Las Vegas, NV
Height: 5'7
Tattoos: Mmm yes. Oh do I have any? No.

What are you most afraid of? Being on a reality TV show.
What is your highest athletic achievement? The other day I carried 13 bags of groceries into my house at the same time.
Do you like being center of attention or do you prefer being more mysterious and why? If I could rename this show "Arie Dates Kenzie and Some Other Women," I would.
Do you consider yourself adventurous or conservative? I'd consider myself "indoorsy."
If you could be a fictional character, who would you be and why? The OG dinosaur in Jurassic Park because he literally never dies.
What's the most embarrassing thing you listen to? Myself when drunk.
What does being married mean to you? It means you are now married to another person.
I love it when my date... ... of birth arrives because I love my birthday hahaha do you get it.
Would you consider yourself a lover of art? I'd say we are more friends with benefits.
If you could be someone else for just one day, who would it be and why? Whoever gets engaged to Arie at the end of this so I could snag the spin-off show of our pending divorce.



I've been meaning to tell you all something...

You all watched me struggle on dating apps.

Then you all watched me freak out when Arie was announced as the new Bachelor.

Then you watched my audition tape which was my last ditch effort for any kind of happiness left in this world.

And then...


I just feel like there was some confusion on my last post. The amount of people that came up to me asking when I was going to be on the Bachelor made me sadder and sadder each time I replied, "Oh, I'm not, I only sent a tape in." Yes, it was just for fun. And no, I truly was not expecting anything from it. But DANG if I don't already have a loyal audience that would gladly watch me make a complete idiot out of myself on reality television. Means a lot guys!!! But the promos rolling out showing that the season has already been filmed, and the several unanswered letters I have written Arie's mom on why I would be an amazing daughter-in-law have sealed the deal that I will not be gracing your TVs any time soon.

I still love Arie. I could never betray those bright blue puppy dog eyes. But I'm not loving the spray tan they gave him, as I don't see what is wrong with his natural pasty complexion. For some unknown reason ABC is anti-pale, which is completely bananas and I could go on a whole nother rant about this, which I will. If the producers told ANYbody that their skin was "too dark" they would be freaking sued for discrimination and would cease to exist. But apparently them telling every single contestant their skin is too light is completely fine, and people gladly hop into the tanning booth because they secretly love being sticky. As a naturally pale person that has had a spray tan before, it is 50 shades of disgusting. It peels off quickly, and after 3 days you look like you have a skin disease due to all the patchiness. And I don't know how the heck all those girls are going into various bodies of water all the time, but they probably have a really expensive Tanning Expert which I assume is a job that exists. Okay, rant semi-over. But this is a Pro Pale blog and I have strong opinions about people that are offended by my mayonnaise skin.


Okay, I get it. The Bachelor is a shallow, vain, horrible show that discriminates all over the place, not just against gingers. They do not have a history of thinking outside the box. But I STILL LOVE IT. I can't help myself. I would be more than happy if they diversified from the caucasian size-2 single mom that owns 6 businesses and was tragically widowed but it left her with enough money to perfect her facial features surgically. But like, I take what I can get. The reason they don't have normal people on the show is because absolutely no one would watch that. "Hey Elizabeth, so I like you a lot but I don't think we should get engaged after 6 dates, that's a little ludicrous don't you think?" "Gee Chad, I was thinking the same thing! We don't really know each other. Wanna go grab some Chik-Fil-A and live a completely boring, non-scandalous life?"

Remember when Juan Pablo tried doing that and they crucified him at the stake??? Is he even still alive??!! I'm a little convinced his rotting corpse is locked up in the mansion somewhere and they keep it as a reminder of what happens when contestants don't play by their rules.

RIP Juan Pablo. His last dying words.

The reason the Bachelor / Bachelorette / Bachelor in Paradise are all successful shows is because the people behind it are evil geniuses. If you think these people sincerely care about helping people fall in love, my sweet little cupcake, you might wanna sit down for this. THEY DON'T. They have literally one job. Make good TV, or be homeless. It almost sounds kind of fun, in a really bad power trippy way. I would love to be the one interviewing people, just making crap up to get reactions. I feel like after watching a thousand seasons I'd actually be really good at this. I'd pretend to be their friend, slowly gain their trust. Then make up a rumor that the bachelor thinks they are too much baggage. Mention this during our session. Tape their emotional break down. Profit.

Well I literally have nothing else to update you guys with because I avoid all contact with the outside world. I day dream about the mansion I will fill with foster cats and my guest house that Taylor Swift will sleep in when we are friends. I am using more oils in my skincare routine. Lily, my cat, is perfectly fine being the only other person sleeping in my bed for time and all eternity. I'm doing absolutely fantastic and wish everyone a warm season's greetings.




Apparently I'm just typing in all caps now, and I apologize for that.

I've just literally been having dreams about being on the Bachelor and Arie schmoozing me and also being a giant terd (HOW DARE HE CUT ME BEFORE OVERNIGHTS) and it's gotten me a little too excited about something that is likely to never occur. I blame all the new Taylor Swift music for my new found confidence.

So, I did it. I made a stupid tape with my stupid face and I'm going to pay actual stupid money to ship this to a stupid casting department. I've done stupider things, to be honest.

DISCLAIMER: This is not supposed to be funny and is not going to sound anything like my blog posts. There is a reason I'm a blogger and not a vlogger, because they are two very different things. First of all, filming and editing this video took HOURS. And it's still not even that good! But I can be in my underoos and look like I woke up in a dumpster and pop out something entertaining in like 20 minutes on my blog. So due to my extreme lack of motivation I will just stick to what I know and love, which is typing in ALL CAPS TO MY HEART'S CONTENT WITH A DELETE BUTTON AT MY FINGERTIPS.

But here goes nothing. I am putting this in the mail box tomorrow. I'd be embarrassed about it if I had any kind of pride left in my body. But that died back when I decided to publicize my affinity for dating strangers through the internet last summer.

Also, it's not super short. I had 25 minutes of footage and managed to edit it down to 8 minutes, so ya'll be grateful. Here is the only thing that the people at ABC may ever hear from me, or the beginning to a beautiful ginger train wreck.


*This tape has been deleted as well as any evidence I was ever an Arie supporter, thank you for your understanding. - Management*



Today, dreams became reality for two people. Arie Luyendyk is finally the bachelor, and I might finally audition.


I have been watching the Bachelor for a very long time, and I have stalked many contestants over the years. But the longest gently-stalked contestant is for certain Arie, because LOOK AT HIM.


I have been following him on social media as long as I've known of his existence, hoping to see him grace my TV screen again. But time after time again he was unjustly passed up to be the Bachelor and it is on this historic day of September that ABC finally came to their senses.

Also, I may have sort of kind of already met him once upon a time BUT it was for 2 seconds at an actual meet and greet not like a happenstance rom-com-meet-cute. I was one of many fan girls that night, and he one thousand percent has no recollection. But none of that matters.

What matters is I made a promise.

A promise to all of my MANY MANY (like 3) blog followers that I, Makenzie Vance, would never ever go on the Bachelor UNLESS that Bachelor was Arie.




But nothing is for certain. They usually have casting calls in Salt Lake but nothing's been listed as of yet. This may all be a pipe dream and I never hear from them again and watch him fall in love with the villain of the season and cry. OR.

This could be the best season any of you Bachelor fans have ever watched.


I am asking for your good vibes. Do whatever you can. Bribe the producers, spam their twitter accounts, leave threatening notes under their doormats, I DON'T CARE. This has to happen. For all of us.

All for one, and one for all.

*We're All in this Together theme song plays*